The real world is here... for the imagination go there Figments of Imagination

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Looking out

Looking out and looking forward. Now that I'm here I need to start doing all that I wanted to do for such a long time, starting with finding a place where I can get settled - come back and rest after a long outward journey. But that's not what this article is about. It's about looking out of your window and seeing things. Window here is not only physical window of a house, but the window in our heart.

So what do you see when you look out your window?

The answers should be collaborative. So I'm not writing anything.
Please reply in comments as to what you see or feel. That'd make a great combined article.

- Sam


  1. Alas.. my office has no windows :(

  2. I see lots of dust and dirt..some 'people', who have become machines...
    In d end, I choose to close the window...for Good..


Write what u think