The real world is here... for the imagination go there Figments of Imagination

Friday, August 5, 2011

The Cinnamon tree

দারুচিনি কথাটার মধ্যে যে কত রহস্য আর সৌন্দর্য লুকিয়ে আছে সেটা প্রথম বুঝতে পেরেছিলাম ১১ বছর বয়েসে |
দারুচিনি দ্বীপ, দারুচিনি দ্বীপের মেয়ে, তার গায়ে দারুচিনি গন্ধ !

(The word 'Cinnamon' hides a lot of mystery and beauty in it, which I first found out at 11. Cinnamon island, a girl from cinnamon island, her body smelt like cinnamon )

When I was a kid I often would go to our ancestral home in a village around 6 miles from our small town. There in the yard of one of our neighbors' house, was a tree. A cinnamon tree to be precise. A tree vastly different from others, in which we took a deep interest was the fact that we could just scalp her barks to eat, literally. It was fun back then.

When life got busy, I forgot all about that tree. Then one dreamy afternoon, after a decade, I visited that house only to find an empty yard. The tree was at the center, with she gone, The mystic beauty of that house was also gone. And I realized that my childhood was also gone, long long ago.

Still in my dreams, in a dreamy late autumn afternoon, when the sun rays are pale and golden, I see that tree - standing lonely in the middle of a big yard. Her leaves are fluttering in the mild evening breeze. Children playing around her.Shouting, laughing, jumping with joy abound. A little boy suddenly stops and touches the tree, only to find she is gone!

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